NuWave cooking salmon dinner

It died! kaput, trashed, my favorite cooking appliance ever, the large NuWave oven cooks no more. The mini NuWave provided a bit of breathing room as I weighed the pros and cons of buying a replacement. Several weeks of using the mini convinced me it was time to go online and find the best deal for a new unit.

Sears, not only had the best deal, but somehow I had some sort of points from previous purchases, who knew??, that they applied bring the price down and with an additional warranty.

I love the new black unit as it matches my kitchen colors and as an added bonus, the parts from the old unit i.e. the hood, base and racks will serve as replacements should I need them.

Quick note, the first time the unit is used it may emit a new smell while cooking. The delicious Asian salmon photo features what was left for me. LOL, I’m glad there was enough to snap a quick photo before enjoying.

Note, the salmon was frozen, I simply washed them, seasoned them, covered them and set the cooking time for 20 minutes x three for a total of 60 minutes. I like to check and cook, this way others are able to eat it the way they like it. Tanoshimu!

NuWave oven cooking salmon
NuWave oven cooking salmon